• Time : Monday-Saturday: 8:30am-6:30pm
  • Phone : +212 524 431 703
  • Gueliz, Sourya street, Eden Parc Business Center, Apt 21-3rd Floor, Marrakech


Our destination is considered amongst the greenest and lowest carbon platforms in the world. Although the country has been late to enter the industrialization race, it took the decision to kick it off with a good start by accelerating the renewable energy deployment. The goal being to reach 52% energy mix by 2023, including :

  • Wind energy : because it is one of the cleanest and oldest energy that exist ;
  • Solar energy : because Miss Sun is a permanent resident of our skies ;
  • Hydro energy : because earth is a little blue planet covered mostly with water so we might as well make good use of it, also, water reserves never fade, they will always make a comeback in one shape or another.

Attendance MICE : Aiming to be leaders in sustainable tourism :


Our planet has been sending us signals and alerts for quite a while lately. 4 years ago, the signaling reached its peak when COVID-19 happened, it was eye opening to say the least, with a worldwide effect, a general panic was felt around the world and a wake of conscience vis-à-vis nature had to take place. Attendance MICE remembers what it felt like during the pandemic, and remembering is not enough if action does not follow. 3 years ago, we decided to adhere to an eco-friendly approach by changing our way of thinking about our programs. Responsible thinking is our compass, it is the challenge we took and continue to take everyday, however confrontational the market can be. Sustainability is systematically and permanently now a part of :

  • Our choice of partners (We prioritize partnering with service suppliers that share our same commitment to the environment) ;
  • Our programs’ content (We suggest actions to reduce carbon emissions such as tree-planting) ;
  • Our communication and marketing tools (Our signage tools have been recycled more times than we can count, at each event, it takes a new life and a new form, like the rise of a Phoenix from its ashes) ;
  • Our code.

This led to beautiful feedbacks from our clients, some even took souvenirs with them to display back home.


Community engagement

The Berbers are local communities that are originated from and have lived in the Maghreb region in most of its countries. They live in the mountain side and are very attached to their land as well as their specific culture. As Moroccans, most of us have Berber root. By embracing them, we are demonstrating a strong connection to the local cultures as diversified as they are but also to traditions. When a visitor from abroad gets a chance to spend a moment by a local community in their foyer during their visit, their trip turns automatically to a travel experience. The beauty of including Berber activities to a proposal is that, not only does it excite the participants by having a human experience, but it also allows them to have an impact on that community by supporting them in preserving their cultural heritage.


  • We privilege in our itineraries at least one venue employing locals ;
  • We strongly advise and invite our clients to share moments with locals by having a tea-time at the villages or even a fun local activity ;
  • We put upfront gift suggestions that are crafted and handmade by local artisans.


Women empowerment

Most societies are now trying to empower women in all fields and within all communities. Our commitment to supporting and nurturing the future suggests a focus on empowering local communities and women in these communities especially, both the youngest and oldest of them. This involves initiatives in areas such as education, skills training, and opportunities for economic growth. To reach this, we include several activities in our trip programs that aim to empower local women and their soft skills such as weaving cooperatives, argan oil cooperatives and much more…


  • Cookery courses with local women in the villages ;
  • Team building activities with theme “A day in a life of a Berber” ;
  • Promotion of products made by local women cooperatives.


Cultural preservation

Culture is to a land what chromosomes are to a living creature, it is the DNA that holds a people together. This being said, supporting and nurturing local culture is a way to ensure that traditions and customs are preserved and celebrated. It is by far our unique pitch for travelers looking for authentic and meaningful experiences.


  • We offer our clients a wide palette of heritage sites with rich historical design and anecdotes ;
  • We mostly propose Moroccan menus as a way for visitors to have their senses blown away by the deliciousness or our local gastronomy ;
  • We promote local folklore such as troops (Gnaoua, Ahwach…) by allowing them to generate a decent income whilst performing during dinner times (Melodies created by exotic instruments, alongside rhythmic, and sometimes chaotic dances) ;
  • We suggest gifts that are made with artisanal local materials. Just imagine how a Moroccan straw hat embroidered with local threads can find itself all the way on the other side of the planet just by having a chance to travel with each participant.