• Time : Monday-Saturday: 8:30am-6:30pm
  • Phone : +212 524 431 703
  • Gueliz, Sourya street, Eden Parc Business Center, Apt 21-3rd Floor, Marrakech

From Two Boys to Two Men

Once upon a time in Marrakech, there was -and still is- a neigborhood called Gueliz. You can think of Gueliz as Marrakech’s beating heart, where most of the action happens, it is Marrakech’s oldest modern neigborhood, it remembers Winston Churchill’s stay, but it had also witnessed John F. Keneddy’s visit. Charlie Chaplin came too, and he spoke even. And let’s not forget about the ladies who fell in love of this red jewel : from Joséphine Baker to Edith Piaff and their heavenly voices, to Oprah and Madonna with their grandure. The list goes on and on obviously but let us get back to our point.
In Gueliz, there once lived a young boy nearby the flower market –today’s shopping center Carré Eden- from 19--- to 19-- , this boy, who we shall call Tariq, was full of life, full of energy, full of passion, and striving for knowledge. And because Gueliz was constantly vibrant and packed with tourists from every corner of the world, Tariq, after school hours, seized the opportunity to interact with these visitors by greeting them, learning from them and passing Moroccan anecdotes and ways to them.
On the other side of the city, in a neighborhood called ---------------, lived another young gentleman, whom we shall name Mounir. Mounir used to ------------------------- Fast forward to 2018, Tariq & Mounir, sitting at a café near what used to be the flower market ---------------------------
and Since its creation and in such a short time, our agency has been able to distinguish itself on the market and become a reference in the organization of events, seminars, team-building and conferences in Morocco.
Created in 2018, the agency is the result of a goal shared by two travel industry enthusiasts for several years. It is simply the culmination of an idea to a project
In 2023, we decided to put upfront nature friendly solutions in all our event : We do sustainable branding and are proud of this first step.
Now that we are in 2024, our aim is continuous yet evolving, we saw what’s happening around the planet and want to act about it. Beyond creating money value we want to conserve and preserve.